Reptilia - Testudines - Carettochelyidae
Alternative combination: Pseudotrionyx delheidi
Synonyms: Allaeochelys casasecai Jimenez Fuentes 1971, Allaeochelys jimenezi Alonso Santiago and Alonso Andrés 2005, Anosteira anglica Lydekker 1889
Belongs to Allaeochelys according to W. G. Joyce 2014
See also Alonso Santiago and Alonso Andrés 2005, Broin 1977, Dollo 1909, Jimenez-Fuentes et al. 1988, Lydekker 1889 and Pérez-García 2017
Sister taxa: Allaeochelys crassesculpta, Allaeochelys libyca, Allaeochelys lingnanica, Allaeochelys magnifica, Allaeochelys parayrei, Allaeochelys rouzilhacensis
Type specimens:
- Allaeochelys delheidi: IRSNB R 19, a partial shell
- Allaeochelys casasecai: STU N1-7,13,14,16,19,27,36-38,56,57,206,207,252,253,255-257,260,292,305, a partial shell. Its type locality is Corrales (Canteras), which is in a Lutetian terrestrial horizon in the Entrala Formation of Spain.
- Allaeochelys jimenezi: STUS 12.035, a partial skeleton (carapace and plastron). Its type locality is Corrales del Vino, which is in a Lutetian alluvial fan horizon in the Corrales Formation of Spain.
- Anosteira anglica: BMNH 33198, a partial shell (near complete left xiphiplastron). Its type locality is Hordle Cliff Crocodile Bed, Hampshire, which is in a Priabonian terrestrial sandstone/claystone in the Headon Beds Formation of the United Kingdom.
Ecology: aquatic herbivore-omnivore
• Eocene of Belgium (1 collection), Spain (3), the United Kingdom (1)
Total: 5 collections including 7 occurrences
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