Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae
Alternative combination: Onohippidium devillei
Synonyms: Onohippidium bolivianum Philippi 1893, Scelidotherium compressum Philippi 1893
Belongs to Hippidion according to L. Dos Santos Avilla et al. 2015
See also Alberdi and Prado 1993, Boule and Thevenin 1920, Marshall and Salinas Z 1991 and Prado and Alberdi 1996
Sister taxa: Hippidion angulatus, Hippidion principale, Hippidion saldiasi, Hippidium (Plagiohippus), Hippidium bonaerense, Hippidium entrerianum, Hippidium principale, Onohippidium compressidens, Parahipparion saldiasi, Parahipparion extensus
Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser
• Quaternary of Argentina (2 collections), Bolivia (3), Peru (2)
• Pliocene of Argentina (2)
Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence
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