Kraeuselisporites Leschik (fern)


Parent taxon: Lycopsida according to Y. Reyre 1973

Sister taxa: Archaeosigillaria, Austrostrobus, Chaloneria, Clwydia, Ficoidites, Foveotriletes, Gymnostrobus, Lepidodendropsis, Lepidosigillaria, Lilingostrobus, Lycospora, Planisporites, Protolycopodites, Reticulisporites, Styxisporites, Uvaesporites, Wuxia, Yuguangia, Zebrasporites

Subtaxa: none


• Eocene of Australia (1 collection)

• Cretaceous of Canada (1: Alberta), India (3), Portugal (1), the United Kingdom (1)

• Triassic to Jurassic of France (1), the United Kingdom (1)

• Triassic of Canada (1: Alberta), Hungary (5), Israel (12), Madagascar (1), the Netherlands (2), Norway (12)

• Rotliegendes of Norway (5)

• Permian to Triassic of Germany (2)

• Permian of Canada (2: Nunavut), Germany (35), Israel (3), Italy (2), Norway (7)

• Devonian of United States (1: Pennsylvania)

Total: 99 collections including 125 occurrences

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