Full reference: K. B. Pigg and G. W. Rothwell. 1983. Chaloneria Gen. Nov.; Heterosporous Lycophytes from the Pennsylvanian of North America. Botanical Gazette 144(1):132-147
Parent taxon: Lycopsida according to K. B. Pigg and G. W. Rothwell 1983
Sister taxa: Archaeosigillaria, Austrostrobus, Clwydia, Ficoidites, Foveotriletes, Gymnostrobus, Kraeuselisporites, Lepidodendropsis, Lepidosigillaria, Lilingostrobus, Lycospora, Planisporites, Protolycopodites, Reticulisporites, Styxisporites, Uvaesporites, Wuxia, Yuguangia, Zebrasporites
Subtaxa: none
• Carboniferous of United States (7: Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Oklahoma collections)
Total: 7 collections each including a single occurrence
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