Yuguangia Hao et al. 2007 (fern)


Full reference: S. Hao, J. Xue, Q. Wang and Z. Liu. 2007. Yuguangia ordinata gen. et sp. nov., a New Lycopsid from the Middle Devonian (Late Givetian) of Yunnan, China, and Its Phylogenetic Implications. International Journal of Plant Sciences 168(8):1161-1175

Parent taxon: Lycopsida according to S. Hao et al. 2007

Sister taxa: Archaeosigillaria, Austrostrobus, Chaloneria, Clwydia, Ficoidites, Foveotriletes, Gymnostrobus, Kraeuselisporites, Lepidodendropsis, Lepidosigillaria, Lilingostrobus, Lycospora, Planisporites, Protolycopodites, Reticulisporites, Styxisporites, Uvaesporites, Wuxia, Zebrasporites

Subtaxa: none

Distribution: found only at Yuguang Section 130 meters (Devonian of China)

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