Lycaenops tenuirostris Boonstra 1953 (therapsid)

Osteichthyes - Therapsida - Gorgonopidae

Alternative combination: Tangagorgon tenuirostris

Full reference: L. D. Boonstra. 1953. A report on a collection of fossil reptilian bones from Tanganyika Territory. Annals of the South African Museum 42:5-18

Belongs to Lycaenops according to D. S. Sigogneau-Russell 1989

Sister taxa: Lycaenops angusticeps, Lycaenops minor, Lycaenops ornatus, Lycaenops quadrata, Lycaenops sollasi

Type specimen: SAM-PK-11744, a skull (A complete but compressed skull with lower jaw and cervical vertebrae)

Ecology: carnivore

Distribution: found only at B32, Usili mountain, Ngaka - Kingori Hill Area, Ruhuhu Valley (Permian of Tanzania)

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