Sinopa lania Matthew 1909 (creodont)

Mammalia - Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae

Full reference: W. D. Matthew. 1909. The Carnivora and Insectivora of the Bridger Basin, middle Eocene. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History 9:289-567

Belongs to Sinopa according to Matthew 1909

Sister taxa: Sinopa aculeatus, Sinopa ethiopica, Sinopa eximia, Sinopa grangeri, Sinopa insectivorus, Sinopa jilinia, Sinopa major, Sinopa minor, Sinopa pungens, Sinopa rapax, Sinopa viverrinus

Type specimen: AMNH FM 13142, a partial skeleton (cranium with right C1–M3 and left I2–M2, right dentary with i3–p1, dp3, p4–m3, left dentary with c1, p2–m3, partial skeleton including left ulna (missing distal). Its type locality is East End of Haystack Mountain, which is in a Bridgerian terrestrial horizon in the Washakie Formation of Wyoming.

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore

Distribution: found only at East End of Haystack Mountain

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