Sinopa grangeri Matthew 1906 (creodont)

Mammalia - Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae

Alternative combination: Proviverra grangeri

Belongs to Sinopa according to M. R. Borths et al. 2016

See also Gazin 1976, Gunnell 1998, Morlo et al. 2014, Polly 1996 and Van Valen 1965

Sister taxa: Sinopa aculeatus, Sinopa ethiopica, Sinopa eximia, Sinopa insectivorus, Sinopa jilinia, Sinopa lania, Sinopa major, Sinopa minor, Sinopa pungens, Sinopa rapax, Sinopa viverrinus

Type specimen: Its type locality is Cottonwood Creek (Lower Bridger), which is in a Bridgerian terrestrial horizon in the Bridger Formation of Wyoming

Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Sinopa grangeri in the database

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