†Sinopa aculeatus Cope 1872 (creodont)
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Mammalia - Creodonta - Hyaenodontidae
Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1872. Descriptions of some new Vertebrata from the Bridger Group of the Eocene. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 12:460-465
Belongs to Sinopa according to W. B. Scott 1892
Sister taxa: Sinopa ethiopica, Sinopa eximia, Sinopa grangeri, Sinopa insectivorus, Sinopa jilinia, Sinopa lania, Sinopa major, Sinopa minor, Sinopa pungens, Sinopa rapax, Sinopa viverrinus
Ecology: ground dwelling carnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Sinopa aculeatus in the database
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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