Pterotheca intermedia Shrock and Raasch 1937 (snail)

Gastropoda - Bellerophontida - Pterothecidae

Full reference: R. R. Shrock and G.O. Raasch. 1937. Paleontology of the disturbed Ordovician rocks near Kentland, Indiana. The American Midland Naturalist 18(4):532-607

Belongs to Pterotheca according to R. R. Shrock and G.O. Raasch 1937

Sister taxa: Pterotheca anatiformis, Pterotheca angusta, Pterotheca anticostiana, Pterotheca attenuata, Pterotheca avirostris, Pterotheca clochensis, Pterotheca consorbina, Pterotheca drummuckensis, Pterotheca estona, Pterotheca expansa, Pterotheca gath, Pterotheca girvanensis, Pterotheca harviei, Pterotheca hispanica, Pterotheca lata, Pterotheca macroderma, Pterotheca maxima, Pterotheca mullochensis, Pterotheca multidecorata, Pterotheca pentagona, Pterotheca saffordi, Pterotheca simplex, Pterotheca transversa, Pterotheca triangularis, Pterotheca trimerelloides, Pterotheca undulata

Type specimen: UW 513, a shell. Its type locality is McCray Quarry (= Kentland Quarry), Division 4, 3 miles east of Kentland, which is in a Turinian carbonate limestone in the McGregor Formation of Indiana.

Ecology: epifaunal detritivore

Distribution: found only at McCray Quarry (= Kentland Quarry), Division 4, 3 miles east of Kentland

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