Gastropoda - Bellerophontida - Pterothecidae
Alternative combinations: Clioderma expansa, Delthyris expansus
Full reference: E. Emmons. 1842. Geology of New York, pt. 2, Comprising the survey of the second geological district. New York State Geological Survey 1-429
Belongs to Pterotheca according to P. J. Wagner 2023
See also Branson 1909, Emmons 1842, Foerste 1924, Hall 1861, Lesley 1889, Raymond 1902, Shrock and Raasch 1937, Steele and Sinclair 1971, Wahlman 1992, Weller 1903 and Wilson 1951
Sister taxa: Pterotheca anatiformis, Pterotheca angusta, Pterotheca anticostiana, Pterotheca attenuata, Pterotheca avirostris, Pterotheca clochensis, Pterotheca consorbina, Pterotheca drummuckensis, Pterotheca estona, Pterotheca gath, Pterotheca girvanensis, Pterotheca harviei, Pterotheca hispanica, Pterotheca intermedia, Pterotheca lata, Pterotheca macroderma, Pterotheca maxima, Pterotheca mullochensis, Pterotheca multidecorata, Pterotheca pentagona, Pterotheca saffordi, Pterotheca transversa, Pterotheca triangularis, Pterotheca trimerelloides, Pterotheca undulata
Ecology: epifaunal detritivore
• Ordovician of Canada (7: Ontario, Quebec collections), United States (6: Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, New York)
Total: 13 collections each including a single occurrence
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