Wonia Ozdikmen 2009 (radiolarian)

Protozoa - Latentifistularia - Ruzhencevispongidae

Synonym: Scharfenbergia Won 1983 [replaced name]

Parent taxon: Ruzhencevispongidae according to P. Noble et al. 2017

See also De Wever et al. 2001

Sister taxa: Latentidiota, Rectotormentum, Ruzhencevispongus, Tormentum

Subtaxa: Scharfenbergia concava Scharfenbergia plenospongiosa Scharfenbergia tailleurense

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Ecology: passively mobile planktonic omnivore


• Carboniferous of United States (14: Alaska collections)

Total: 14 collections including 23 occurrences

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