Stylemys inusitata Hay 1906 (turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Testudinidae

Alternative combination: Testudo inusitata

Synonyms: Geochelone primaeva Oelrich 1950, Gopherus copei Koerner 1940, Stylemys copei Koerner 1940, Testudo copei Koerner 1940, Testudo primaeva Oelrich 1950

Full reference: O. P. Hay. 1906. Descriptions of new species of turtles of the genus Testudo, collected from the Miocene by the Carnegie Museum; together with a description of the skull of Stylemys nebrascensis. Annals of Carnegie Museum 4:15-20

Belongs to Stylemys according to E. Vlachos 2018

See also Auffenberg 1963, Auffenberg 1964, Bramble 1982, Hay 1906, Hay 1908, Hay 1930 and Oelrich 1950

Sister taxa: Stylemys bottii, Stylemys capax, Stylemys frizaciana, Stylemys gisellae, Stylemys karakolensis, Stylemys nebrascensis, Stylemys oregonensis, Stylemys pygmea, Testudo niobrarensis

Type specimens:

  • Stylemys inusitata: CM 311 (holotype), a partial shell, a partial shell. Its type locality is Canyon Ferry Reservoir Earl Douglass Location, which is in a Hemingfordian terrestrial horizon in Montana.
  • Stylemys copei:
  • Testudo primaeva: UMMP No. 25758, a partial skeleton (nearly complete plastron and carapace plus many postcrania). Its type locality is Belmont Park Ranch Testudo primaeva site, which is in a Miocene terrestrial horizon in Montana.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore-herbivore


• Miocene of United States (2: Montana collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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