Mammalia - Cetacea - Delphinidae
Alternative spellings: Delphinapterus (Hemisyntrachelus), Hemisynthachelus
Full reference: J. F. Brandt. 1873. Untersuchungen über die fossilen und subfossilen cetaceen Europa's. Mémoires de L'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg, Series 7 20(1):1-372
Parent taxon: Delphinidae according to H. Bakker and K. Post 2020
See also Barnes 1990, Benton 1993, Berta 2017, Bianucci 1996, Bianucci 1997, Bianucci 2005, Bisconti and Francou 2014, Brandt 1873, Carroll 1988, Cioppi 2014, Fordyce and de Muizon 2001, Marx et al. 2016, McKenna and Bell 1997, Murakami et al. 2014, Ormezzano and Lanzetti 2014, Sepkoski 2002, Simpson 1945 and Trouessart 1898
Sister taxa: Arimidelphis, Australodelphis, Catodontina, Delphininae, Eodelphinus, Globicephalinae, Lagenorhynchina, Lagenorhynchus, Lissodelphininae, Monoceratina, Norisdelphis, Orcaellinae, Orcina, Orcininae, Orcinus, Pliodelphis, Pseudorcaina, Sotalia, Steninae, Steno, Steno cudmorei, Stenonina, Stenoninae, Trispondylus, Tursiops miocaenus
Subtaxa: Hemisyntrachelus cortesii Hemisyntrachelus oligodon
Type: Delphinus cortesii
Ecology: aquatic piscivore-carnivore
• Quaternary of the Netherlands (1 collection)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of the Netherlands (4)
• Pliocene of Chile (1), Italy (18), the Netherlands (1)
• Miocene to Pliocene of Italy (1)
• Miocene of Peru (1)
Total: 27 collections including 31 occurrences
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