Macropelobates Noble 1924 (spadefoot toad)

Amphibia - Salientia - Pelobatidae

Full reference: G. K. Noble. 1924. A new spadefoot toad from the Oligocene of Mongolia, with a summary of the evolution of the Pelobatidae. American Museum Novitates 132:1-15

Parent taxon: Pelobatidae according to A. C. Henrici 2009

See also Carroll 1988, Henrici 1994, Henrici and Haynes 2006, Noble 1924, Sanchiz 1998 and Zweifel 1956

Sister taxa: Elkobatrachus, Enigmatosaurus, Eopelobates, Leptobrachium, Miopelobates, Pelobates, Pelobatinae, Scaphiopus, Spea, Uldzinia

Subtaxa: Macropelobates cratus Macropelobates osborni

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Type: Macropelobates osborni

Ecology: amphibious carnivore

Distribution: found only at Tsagan Nor Basin (Oligocene of Mongolia)

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