Reptilia - Squamata - Anguidae
Parent taxon: Anguioidea according to J. L. Conrad 2006
See also Alifanov 1993, Alifanov 2000, Böhme 2008, Böhme 2010, Carroll 1988, Cernansky et al. 2015, Cope 1871, Cope 1875, Estes 1964, Estes 1983, Estes and Berberian 1970, Estes et al. 1988, Frank and Ramus 1996, Gadow 1898, Gao and Fox 1996, Gao and Hou 1996, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Hugues-Alexandre et al. 2013, Khajuria and Prasad 1998, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Lambe 1908, Lee and Caldwell 2000, McDowell and Bogert 1954, McGrew et al. 1959, Peng et al. 2001, Perrier 1928, Poinar 2011, Sahni and Srivastava 1976, Seiffert 1975, Smith 2006, Stocker and Kirk 2016, Sullivan 1986, Sullivan 1987, Sullivan 1991, Venczel and Stiuca 2008, Vianey-Liaud et al. 2014 and Zittel 1890
Sister taxa: Anniellidae, Dorsetisauridae, Peltosaurus, Bainguidae
Subtaxa: Anguinae Anniellinae Bainguis Barisia Diploglossinae Elgaria Gerrhonotinae Glyptosaurinae Machaerosaurus Odaxosaurinae Odaxosaurus Ophisauromimus Rajaurisaurus Xestops lentus Xestops microdus Xestops minutus Xestops piercei
Ecology: insectivore-carnivore
• Quaternary of Belgium (1 collection), Cayman Islands (2), Croatia (1), the Dominican Republic (4), France (4), Germany (20), Greece (3), Hungary (7), Israel (3), Italy (7), Jamaica (1), Mexico (1), the Netherlands (1), Poland (4), Romania (1), Serbia and Montenegro (1), Spain (10), the United Kingdom (9), United States (25: California, Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas)
• Blancan of United States (2: California, Kansas)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (1), Hungary (1)
• Pliocene of Austria (2), France (1), Germany (2), Greece (4), Hungary (6), Italy (2), Moldova (5), Morocco (1), Poland (4), Slovakia (1), Spain (2), Turkey (2), Ukraine (5)
• MN 13 of Hungary (1), Ukraine (2)
• Hemphillian of United States (1: Tennessee)
• Miocene of Austria (9), Canada (1: Saskatchewan), the Czech Republic (5), France (4), Germany (40), Greece (7), Hungary (13), Italy (16), Kazakhstan (2), Moldova (5), Morocco (3), Poland (2), Portugal (1), Romania (4), the Russian Federation (4), Serbia and Montenegro (3), Slovakia (3), Spain (12), Switzerland (10), Turkey (13), Ukraine (8), United States (23: California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming)
• Neogene of Slovakia (1)
• Arikareean of United States (2: Oregon, South Dakota)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Turkey (1)
• Oligocene of Belgium (2), France (21), Germany (6), Mongolia (2), Turkey (2), United States (18: Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming)
• Eocene to Miocene of France (1)
• Eocene of Belgium (1), Canada (2: Northwest Territories), China (3), France (38), Germany (5), India (1), Portugal (1), Spain (7), Switzerland (1), the United Kingdom (5), United States (178: California, Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming)
• Clarkforkian of United States (16: Wyoming)
• Paleocene of Belgium (1), Canada (1: Alberta), France (1), United States (30: Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Carolina, Utah, Wyoming)
• Cretaceous of Canada (17: Alberta, Saskatchewan), India (3), Mexico (1), Mongolia (1), Spain (1), United States (37: Colorado, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 745 collections including 1106 occurrences