†Kuehneon Kretzoi 1960 (symmetrodont)
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Alternative spelling: Kuhneon
Full reference: M. Kretzoi. 1960. Zur Benennung des ältesten Symmetrodonten. Vertebrata Hungarica 2(2):307-313
Parent taxon: Symmetrodonta according to M. Kretzoi 1960
See also Cassiliano and Clemens 1979, Kielan-Jaworowska et al. 2004 and McKenna and Bell 1997
Sister taxa: Amphidontidae, Barbereniidae, Spalacotheriida, Tinodontida, Trishulotherium, Woutersiidae
Subtaxa: Kuehneon duchyense
Type: Kuehneon duchyense
Ecology: scansorial insectivore
Distribution: found only at Duchy Quarry (St. Bride's Island) (Jurassic of the United Kingdom)
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