Subfamily Thylacomyidae Bensley 1903 (marsupial)

Mammalia - Peramelemorphia - Thylacomyidae

Alternative spelling: Thylacomyinae

Parent taxon: Perameloidea according to K. J. Travouillon et al. 2017

See also Archer and Kirsch 1977, McKenna and Bell 1997, Nowak 1991, Springer et al. 1994, Travouillon et al. 2014 and Wilson and Reeder 2005

Sister taxa: Chaeropodidae, Kutjamarcoot, Peramelidae, Silvicultor

Subtaxa: Ischnodon Liyamayi Macrotis

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Ecology: scansorial insectivore-carnivore


• Quaternary of Australia (5 collections)

• Pliocene of Australia (2)

• Miocene of Australia (2)

Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence

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