†family Helohyidae Marsh 1877 (even-toed ungulate)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Helohyidae

Full reference: O. C. Marsh. 1877. Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America. The American Journal of Science and Arts, series 3 14(83):337-378

Parent taxon: Dichobunoidea according to J. M. Theodor et al. 2007

See also Burger and Jolley 2020, Carroll 1988, Coombs and Coombs 1977, Ferrusquía-Villafranca 2006, Gazin 1955, Hay 1902, Marsh 1877, McKenna and Bell 1997, Pilgrim 1940, Spaulding et al. 2009, Stucky 1998 and Vislobokova 2004

Sister taxa: Acoessus, Cebochoeridae, Dichobunidae, Homacodontidae, Leptochoeridae, Mixtotheriidae, Raoellidae

Subtaxa: Achaenodon Archaenodon Discritochoerus Dyscritochoerus Gobiohyus Heliosus Helohyus Ithygrammodon Lophiohys Pakkokuhyus Parahyus Progenitohyus

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Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser


• Eocene of China (6 collections), Mongolia (3), Myanmar (3), Thailand (2), United States (51: California, Colorado, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)

Total: 65 collections including 71 occurrences

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