†family Oromerycidae Gazin 1955 (even-toed ungulate)
Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Oromerycidae
Full reference: C. L. Gazin. 1955. A review of the Upper Eocene Artiodactyla of North America. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 128(8):1-96
Parent taxon: Tylopoda according to D. R. Prothero 1998
See also Carroll 1988 and Prothero 1986
Sister taxa: Amphimerycidae, Anoplotherioidea, Cameloidea, Oreodontoidea, Xiphodontoidea, Caenotheriidae, Camelidae, Merycoidodontidae
Subtaxa: Camelodon Eotylopus Malaquiferus Merycobunodon Montanatylopus Oromeryx Protylopus
Ecology: ground dwelling browser
• Eocene of Canada (4: Saskatchewan collections), United States (60: California, Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 64 collections including 75 occurrences