Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Cervidae
Alternative spelling: Cervus (Eucladoceros)
Parent taxon: Cervinae according to R. Croitor 2014
See also Carroll 1988, Croitor 2006, Grubb 2000 and Teilhard de Chardin and Piveteau 1930
Sister taxa: Arvernoceros, Candiacervus, Cervini, Croizetoceros, Megacerini, Megaloceros, Metacervocerus, Muntiacini, Praedama, Praeelaphus, Praesinomegaceros, Torontoceros
Subtaxa: Eucladoceros boulei Eucladoceros ctenoides Eucladoceros dicranios Eucladoceros tegulensis
Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser
• Quaternary of China (2 collections), Croatia (2), France (9), Georgia (1), Germany (1), Greece (4), Italy (11), the Netherlands (2), Portugal (1), Romania (5), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (4), Turkey (1), the United Kingdom (2)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Bulgaria (1), China (1), France (2), Greece (4), Italy (4), Spain (1), Turkey (1)
• Pliocene of France (1), Georgia (2), Greece (2), Hungary (2), Italy (1), Poland (1), Romania (4), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (1), Tajikistan (1)
• Miocene to Pleistocene of the Netherlands (1)
Total: 77 collections each including a single occurrence
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