Reptilia - Parareptilia - Procolophonidae
Derivation of generic name. From smili-, Greek for chisel; dont-, Greek for toothed; and erpeton, Greek for reptile, referring to the distinctive shape of the teeth.
Full reference: M. Skinner, D. I. Whiteside, and M. J. Benton. 2020. Late Triassic island dwarfs? Terrestrial tetrapods of the Ruthin fissure (South Wales, UK) including a new genus of procolophonid. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 131(5):535-561
Parent taxon: Procolophonidae according to M. Skinner et al. 2020
Sister taxa: Acadiella, Coletta, Contritosaurus, Eomurruna, Estheriophagus, Eumetabolodon, Gomphiosauridion, Haligonia, Kitchingnathus, Koiloskiosaurus, Lasasaurus, Leptopleuroninae, Myognathus, Neoprocolophon, Oryporan, Paoteodon, Pentaedrusaurus, Procolophoninae, Procolophonoides, Sauropareion, Spondylolestes, Spondylolestidae, Suchonosaurus, Teratophon, Thelegnathus, Thelegnathus browni, Thelephon, Thelerpeton, Tichvinskia, Youngetta
Subtaxa: Smilodonterpeton ruthinensis
Type: Smilodonterpeton ruthinensis
Distribution: found only at Ruthin Quarry (Triassic of the United Kingdom)
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