Reptilia - Parareptilia - Procolophonidae
Full reference: S. P. Modesto, H.-D. Sues, and R. Damiani. 2001. A new Triassic procolophonoid reptile and its implications for procolophonoid survivorship during the Permo-Triassic extinction event. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 268:2047-2052
Parent taxon: Procolophonidae according to M. J. MacDougall et al. 2013
See also MacDougall and Modesto 2011, Modesto and Damiani 2007, Modesto et al. 2001 and Säilä 2008
Sister taxa: Acadiella, Coletta, Contritosaurus, Eomurruna, Estheriophagus, Eumetabolodon, Gomphiosauridion, Haligonia, Kitchingnathus, Koiloskiosaurus, Lasasaurus, Leptopleuroninae, Myognathus, Neoprocolophon, Oryporan, Paoteodon, Pentaedrusaurus, Procolophoninae, Procolophonoides, Smilodonterpeton, Spondylolestes, Spondylolestidae, Suchonosaurus, Teratophon, Thelegnathus, Thelegnathus browni, Thelephon, Thelerpeton, Tichvinskia, Youngetta
Subtaxa: Sauropareion anoplus
• Triassic of South Africa (3 collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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