Reptilia - Parareptilia - Procolophonidae
Full reference: R. Lydekker. 1889. Part III - Palaeozoology. Vertebrata. Manual of palaeontology for the use of students with a general introduction on the principles of palaeontology. Volume II. 3rd edn. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London 600 p.
Parent taxon: Procolophonoidea according to R. J. Butler et al. 2023
See also Carroll 1988, Cisneros 2008, Colbert 1946, Colbert and Kitching 1975, Gow 1977, Gow 2000, Hamley et al. 2020, Haughton and Brink 1954, Hay 1930, Ivakhnenko 2008, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1966, Kuhn 1971, Laurin and Reisz 1995, Lavina 1983, Lee 1995, Lee 1997, Modesto et al. 2002, Modesto and Damiani 2003, Modesto and Damiani 2007, Price 1947, Romer 1964, Säilä 2008, Skinner et al. 2020, Small 1997, Spencer and Benton 2000 and Sues and Reisz 2008
Sister taxa: Owenettidae, Pintosaurus, Procolophonichnium, Tichvinskia jugensis
Subtaxa: Acadiella Coletta Contritosaurus Eomurruna Estheriophagus Eumetabolodon Gomphiosauridion Haligonia Kitchingnathus Koiloskiosaurus Lasasaurus Leptopleuroninae Myognathus Neoprocolophon Oryporan Paoteodon Pentaedrusaurus Procolophoninae Procolophonoides Sauropareion Smilodonterpeton Spondylolestes Spondylolestidae Suchonosaurus Teratophon Thelegnathus Thelegnathus browni Thelephon Thelerpeton Tichvinskia Youngetta
Type: Procolophon
• Triassic of Antarctica (4 collections), Australia (2), Brazil (7), Canada (7: Nova Scotia), China (7), Germany (5), Madagascar (2), Morocco (1), Poland (2), the Russian Federation (24), South Africa (19), Spain (1), Switzerland (1), Tanzania (1), the United Kingdom (9), United States (14: Arizona, Connecticut, New Jersey, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Virginia)
• Permian of the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (2)
Total: 109 collections including 136 occurrences