Ronzotherium Aymard 1854 (rhinoceros)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae

Parent taxon: Rhinocerotini according to T. Deng et al. 2011

See also Antoine et al. 2010, Carroll 1988 and Prothero and Schoch 1989

Sister taxa: Ceratotherium, Coelodonta, Dicerorhinus, Diceros, Dicerotina, Dihoplus, Lartetotherium, Rhinoceros, Rhinocerotina, Shennongtherium, Stephanorhinus, Teleoceratina

Subtaxa: Ronzotherium filholi Ronzotherium orientale Ronzotherium velaunum

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Type: Ronzotherium velaunum

Ecology: ground dwelling browser


• Oligocene of the Czech Republic (3 collections), France (14), Germany (3), Switzerland (6)

• Eocene of Mongolia (2), the United Kingdom (1)

Total: 29 collections including 32 occurrences

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