Stephanorhinus Kretzoi 1942 (rhinoceros)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae

Parent taxon: Rhinocerotini according to T. Deng et al. 2011

See also Antoine and SaraƧ 2005, Capasso Barbato and Gliozzi 1995, Carroll 1988, Cerdeno 1992, Prothero and Schoch 1989 and Symeonidis et al. 2006

Sister taxa: Ceratotherium, Coelodonta, Dicerorhinus, Diceros, Dicerotina, Dihoplus, Lartetotherium, Rhinoceros, Rhinocerotina, Ronzotherium, Shennongtherium, Teleoceratina

Subtaxa: Stephanorhinus etruscus Stephanorhinus hemitoechus Stephanorhinus hundsheimensis Stephanorhinus jeanvireti Stephanorhinus miguelcrusafonti Stephanorhinus pikermiensis

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Ecology: ground dwelling browser


• Quaternary of Austria (1 collection), Belgium (2), Croatia (2), the Czech Republic (3), France (19), Georgia (3), Germany (14), Greece (15), Hungary (4), Israel (2), Italy (21), Monaco (3), Morocco (1), the Netherlands (2), Portugal (2), Romania (7), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (27), Syria (1), the United Kingdom (12)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of France (3), Greece (1), Italy (2), Spain (2)

• Pliocene of Armenia (1), Bulgaria (2), France (2), Georgia (1), Greece (15), Hungary (4), Italy (5), Moldova (1), Romania (12), the Russian Federation (2), Slovakia (4), Spain (4), Tajikistan (2), Ukraine (1)

• Miocene to Pleistocene of the Netherlands (1)

• Miocene of China (3), Italy (1), Turkey (1), Ukraine (1)

Total: 213 collections including 223 occurrences

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