Aepycamelus priscus Matthew and Cook 1909 (camel)

Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Camelidae

Alternative combination: Alticamelus priscus

Belongs to Aepycamelus according to J. R. Macdonald 1956

Sister taxa: Aepycamelus alexandrae, Aepycamelus bradyi, Aepycamelus elrodi, Aepycamelus giraffinus, Aepycamelus major, Aepycamelus procerus, Aepycamelus robustus, Aepycamelus stocki, Alticamelus altus

Type specimen: Its type locality is Merychippus Draw, which is in a Hemingfordian terrestrial horizon in the Sheep Creek Formation of Nebraska

Ecology: ground dwelling browser-browser

Distribution: there are no occurrences of Aepycamelus priscus in the database

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