Subhyracodon Wood 1927 (rhinoceros)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Rhinocerotidae

Synonyms: Anchisodon Cope 1879, Caenopus Cope 1880, Leptaceratherium Osborn 1898

Full reference: H. E. Wood. 1927. Some early Tertiary rhinoceroses and hyracodonts. Bulletins of American Paleontology 13(50):1-105

Parent taxon: Rhinocerotidae according to H. Wang et al. 2016

See also Albright et al. 2019, Antoine et al. 2010, Carroll 1988, Cope 1881, Galbreath 1953, Hay 1902, Holbrook 1999, Lambe 1908, Manning 1997, Prothero 1998, Prothero 2005, Prothero and Manning 1987, Prothero and Schoch 1989, Scott 1913, Scott 1941, Troxell 1921, Wood 1927 and Wood 1960

Sister taxa: Aceratheriinae, Aceratheriini, Amphicaenopus, Anchisodon tubifer, Atelodus, Diceratheriinae, Dicerorhininae, Elasmotheriina, Forstercooperia crudus, Gigantamynodon akespensis, Gulfoceras, Huangotherium, Iranotheriinae, Penetrigonias, Rhinoceros crassus, Rhinoceros oregonensis, Rhinoceros pacificus, Rhinocerotinae, Teleoceratinae, Teletaceras, Trigonias, Uintaceras, Woodoceras, Zalabis

Subtaxa: Caenopus (Leptaceratherium) Caenopus simplicidens Caenopus yoderensis Hyracodon planiceps Subhyracodon kewi Subhyracodon mitis Subhyracodon occidentalis Subhyracodon woodi

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Ecology: ground dwelling browser


• Arikareean of United States (2: California, Nebraska collections)

• Oligocene of Canada (2: Saskatchewan), United States (27: California, Colorado, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Wyoming)

• Eocene to Oligocene of Mexico (1), United States (1: Wyoming)

• Eocene of Canada (2: Saskatchewan), United States (20: Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming)

Total: 55 collections including 59 occurrences

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