Cormohipparion occidentale Leidy 1856 (hipparionine horse)

Mammalia - Perissodactyla - Equidae

Alternative combinations: Hipparion occidentale, Hippotherium occidentale, Neohipparion occidentale

Synonyms: Hipparion mohavense Merriam 1913, Hipparion mohavense callodonte Merriam 1915, Hipparion platystyle Merriam 1915

Full reference: J. Leidy. 1856. Notices of Some Remains of Extinct Mammalia, Recently Discovered by Dr. F. V. Hayden, in the Bad Lands of Nebraska. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 8:59

Belongs to Cormohipparion according to S. R. May 2019

See also Alroy 2007, Boessenecker 2011, Cope 1889, Cope 1893, Dalquest et al. 1996, Dalquest and Hughes 1966, Forsten 1975, Gidley 1903, Gidley 1907, Gregory 1942, Hay 1902, Kelly 1998, Leidy 1856, Leidy 1857, Macdonald 1960, Macdonald 1992, MacFadden 1984, MacFadden 1998, Matthew 1909, Matthew 1924, Matthew and Stirton 1930, Merriam 1913, Merriam 1915, Merriam 1915, Merriam et al. 1925, Merriam and Stock 1928, Osborn 1918, Stirton 1940, Whistler 1991, Woodburne 1996 and Woodburne 2007

Sister taxa: Cormohipparion (Cormohipparion), Cormohipparion (Notiocradohipparion), Cormohipparion emsliei, Cormohipparion fricki, Cormohipparion goorisi, Cormohipparion ingenuum, Cormohipparion johnsoni, Cormohipparion matthewi, Cormohipparion merriami, Cormohipparion plicatile, Cormohipparion quinni, Cormohipparion skinneri, Cormohipparion sphenodus

Ecology: ground dwelling grazer-browser


• Hemphillian of United States (2: Oregon, Texas collections)

• Miocene to Pliocene of United States (2: California, Oklahoma)

• Miocene of United States (21: California, Florida, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota)

Total: 25 collections each including a single occurrence

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