Clade Korethrasteridae Danielssen and Koren 1884 (sea star)
Asteroidea - Spinulosida - Korethrasteridae
Full reference: D.C. Danielssen and J. Koren. 1884. Asteroidea. Den Norske Nordhavs Expedition 1876-1878 11:1-119
Parent taxon: Velatida according to A.S. Gale 2018
See also Blake 1989, Gale 2011, Gale 2022, Mah and Blake 2012, Perrier 1893 and Spencer and Wright 1966
Sister taxa: Caymanostellidae, Decacuminaster, Myxasteridae, Plesiastropecten, Pterasteridae, Solasteridae, Tropidasteridae, Xandarosaster
Subtaxa: Becuaster Furculaster Kutscheraster Peribolaster Protremaster Thuyaster
Ecology: epifaunal carnivore-detritivore
Distribution: found only at locality KG 2986, Lully Foothills (Jurassic of Antarctica)