Gomphotherium productum Cope 1874

Mammalia - Proboscidea - Gomphotheriidae

Alternative combinations: Gomphotherium productus, Mammut productum, Mastodon productus, Serridentinus productus

Synonyms: Gomphotherium lulli Barbour 1914, Gomphotherium ojocaliensis Frick 1933, Gomphotherium phippsi Cook 1928, Gomphotherium pojoaguensis Frick 1926, Gomphotherium pojoaquense Frick 1926, Gomphotherium serridens Cope 1884, Mammut serridens Cope 1884, Mastodon serridens Cope 1884, Megabelodon cruziensis Frick 1933, Megabelodon joraki Frick 1933, Megabelodon lulli Barbour 1914, Megabelodon minor Mawby 1968, Megabelodon phippsi Cook 1928, Ocalientinus ojocaliensis Frick 1933, Serridentinus pojoaquensis Frick 1926, Serridentinus serridens Cope 1884, Tetrabelodon lulli Barbour 1914, Tetrabelodon serridens Cope 1884, Trilophodon cruziensis Frick 1933, Trilophodon joraki Frick 1933, Trilophodon lulli Barbour 1914, Trilophodon phippsi Cook 1928, Trilophodon pojoaquensis Frick 1926, Zygolophodon serridens Cope 1884

Belongs to Gomphotherium according to J. Shoshani and P. Tassy 1996

See also Christiansen 2007, Cope 1893, Downs 1952, Frick 1933, Galbreath 1953, Hay 1902, Lucas et al. 1999, Madden and Storer 1985, Matthew 1918, Mawby 1968, Osborn 1918, Osborn 1923, Schultz 1990, Tedford and Barghoorn 1993, Tobien 1972, Tobien 1973 and Voorhies 1990

Sister taxa: Gomphotherium anguirvalis, Gomphotherium angustidens, Gomphotherium brewsterensis, Gomphotherium connexus, Gomphotherium emmonsi, Gomphotherium gratum, Gomphotherium nebrascensis, Gomphotherium ngorora, Gomphotherium pygmaeus, Gomphotherium rugosidens, Gomphotherium shensiensis, Gomphotherium simplicidens, Gomphotherium wimani, Trobelodon taoensis, Serridentinus gobiensis, Serridentinus filholi, Serridentinus mongoliensis, Tetrabelodon angustidens, Mastodon (Trilophodon) pandionis, Trilophodon osborni, Trilophodon yangziensis, Trilophodon barstonis, Trilophodon ligoniferus, Tatabelodon riograndensis, Tatabelodon gregorii

Type specimens:

  • Gomphotherium productum: Its type locality is Santa Cruz, which is in a Barstovian terrestrial horizon in the Tesuque Formation of New Mexico
  • Gomphotherium pojoaquense:
  • Mastodon serridens:
  • Megabelodon minor:
  • Ocalientinus ojocaliensis: F:AM 21294.
  • Tetrabelodon lulli: Its type locality is Megabelodon Quarry, which is in a Clarendonian terrestrial horizon in the Valentine Formation of Nebraska.
  • Trilophodon cruziensis: F:AM 21300.
  • Trilophodon joraki:
  • Trilophodon phippsi: Its type locality is Quinn Mastodon Quarry, which is in a Clarendonian terrestrial horizon in the Valentine Formation of Nebraska.


• Miocene of United States (2: Nebraska, New Mexico collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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