Mammalia - Carnivora - Phocidae
Full reference: J. E. Gray. 1821. On the natural arrangement of vertebrose animals. The London Medical Repository Monthly Journal and Review 15:296-310
Parent taxon: Phocidae according to L. Dewaele et al. 2018
See also Albright et al. 2019, Allen 1880, Antoniuk and Koretsky 1984, Berta 2002, Berta 2009, Berta 2017, Berta 2018, Berta et al. 2018, Burns and Fay 1970, Cozzuol 2001, Davis et al. 2004, Deméré et al. 2003, Dewaele et al. 2017, Dewaele et al. 2017, Friant 1947, Fulton and Strobeck 2010, Gill 1866, Ginsburg and Janvier 1971, Ginsburg and Janvier 1999, Gol'din et al. 2020, Hafed et al. 2024, Hafed et al. 2021, Hay 1930, Kienle and Berta 2019, Koretsky 1991, Koretsky 2001, Koretsky 2003, Koretsky and Barnes 2006, Koretsky and Barnes 2008, Koretsky and Holec 2002, Koretsky et al. 2015, Koretsky et al. 2014, Koretsky and Rahmat 2021, Koretsky and Ray 1994, Koretsky and Ray 2008, Koretsky et al. 2012, Kovacs and Lavigne 1986, Kurten and Anderson 1980, McKenna and Bell 1997, Muizon 1981, Muizon 1982, Rice 1998, Riedman 1990, Scheffer and Rice 1963, Tedford 1976, Thomas et al. 1982, Trouessart 1898, Trouessart 1904, Turner 1912, Vanishvili 2024 and Weber 1928
Sister taxa: none
Subtaxa: Cystophora Cystophorini Erignathini Erignathus Halichoerus Histriophoca Kawas Leptophoca Nanophoca Necromites Pagophilus Phoca Phocini Praepusa Pusa
Ecology: amphibious piscivore-carnivore
• Quaternary of Arctic Ocean (1 collection), Azerbaijan (1), Canada (73: Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Ontario, Quebec, Yukon), Estonia (1), Finland (6), Germany (3), Greenland (41), Iceland (1), Japan (3), the Netherlands (4), North Atlantic (2), Norway (7), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (11), Spain (5), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (5), Sweden (16), the United Kingdom (12), United States (51: Alaska, California, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia)
• Pliocene of Belgium (1), United States (3: Alaska, California, North Carolina)
• Miocene of Argentina (1), Austria (1), Belgium (8), Georgia (1), Hungary (1), Moldova (3), the Netherlands (3), Romania (1), Ukraine (4), United States (29: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia)
Total: 300 collections including 434 occurrences