Angiospermae - Caryophyllales - Caryophyllaceae
Synonym: Alsinaceae
Full reference: A. L. d. Jussieu. 1789. Genera plantarum :secundum ordines naturales disposita, juxta methodum in Horto regio parisiensi exaratam.
Parent taxon: Caryophyllales according to The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2016
See also Andrews 1970, Berchtold and Presl 1820, Chandler 1963 and Mabberley 2000
Sister taxa: Achatocarpaceae, Aizoaceae, Amaranthaceae, Anacampserotaceae, Ancistrocladaceae, Asteropeiaceae, Barbeuiaceae, Basellaceae, Cactaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Didiereaceae, Dioncophyllaceae, Droseraceae, Drosophyllaceae, Frankeniaceae, Gisekiaceae, Halophytaceae, Hantsia, Hectorellaceae, Kewaceae, Limeaceae, Lophiocarpaceae, Lymingtonia, Macarthuriaceae, Microteaceae, Molluginaceae, Montiaceae, Nepenthaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Petiveriaceae, Phenanthera, Physenaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Plumbaginaceae, Polygonaceae, Portulacaceae, Rhabdodendraceae, Sarcobataceae, Simmondsiaceae, Stegnospermataceae, Talinaceae, Tamaricaceae
Subtaxa: Alsinites Caryophyllaceaepites Caryophylloflora Centrospermocarpon Cerastium Cucubalus Dianthus Gypsophila Krauseola Minuartia Pseudostellaria Spergula Stellaria Viscaria
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
• Quaternary of Argentina (1 collection), Australia (15), Greenland (1), India (34), Italy (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (1: Washington)
• Pliocene of China (2), Germany (2), Portugal (2), the Russian Federation (1), United States (1: Massachusetts)
• Hemphillian of United States (1: Tennessee)
• Miocene to Pliocene of France (1)
• Miocene of Germany (1), Japan (1)
• Eocene of Australia (1), India (1), United States (1: Colorado)
• Paleogene of India (1)
Total: 71 collections including 82 occurrences