Full reference: J. Lambert and P. Thiéry. 1924. Essai de nomenclature raisonnée des échinides. L. Ferrière, Chaumont (6-7)385-512
Parent taxon: Spatangoida according to J. W. M. Jagt 2000
See also Fischer 1966 and Lambert and Thiéry 1924
Sister taxa: Allotoxaster, Amoraster, Apoxypetalum, Archaeopneustes, Asterostomatina, Barnumia, Brissidina, Brissoides, Cagaster, Cestobrissus, Cottreaucorys, Echinocoridae, Enichaster, Gonzalezaster, Hemiasteridae, Hemiasterina, Homoeopetalus, Hypselaster, Kertaster, Micrasterina, Mundaster, Murraypneustes, Neoproraster, Niponaster, Nudobrissus, Orthaster, Palaeostomidae, Paleopneustina, Paraheteraster, Peraspatangus, Peroniaster, Pictaviechinus, Pliotoxaster, Pseudogibbaster, Pseudolinthia, Pseudowashitaster, Pusillaster, Royasendia, Somalechinus, Somaliasteridae, Spatagobrissus, Tessieria, Toxasteridae, Toxasterina, Wuarnia
Subtaxa: Leymeriaster eluvialis
Ecology: slow-moving shallow infaunal deposit feeder-detritivore
• Cretaceous to Paleogene of the Netherlands (1 collection)
• Cretaceous of Belgium (4), the Netherlands (3)
Total: 8 collections including 10 occurrences
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