†order Trigonotarbida Petrunkevitch 1949

Arachnida - Trigonotarbida

Alternative spelling: Trigonotarbi

Invalid subtaxa: Anthracomarti Karsch 1882 [replaced name], Eurymarti Matthew 1895

Full reference: A. I. Petrunkevitch. 1949. A study of the structure classification and relationships of the Palaeozoic Arachnida based on the collections of the British Museum. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 37:69-315

Parent taxon: Pantetrapulmonata according to M. Poschmann et al. 2016

See also Brauckmann et al. 2003, Dunlop 1996, Dunlop et al. 2013, Garwood and Dunlop 2014, Guthörl 1934, Haase 1890, Petrunkevitch 1945, Petrunkevitch 1949 and Shultz 2007

Sister taxa: Douglassarachne, Ecchosis, Tetrapulmonata

Subtaxa: Aenigmatarbus Anthracomartidae Anthracomartus hageni Anthracophrynus Anthracosironidae Aphantomartidae Archaeomartidae Areomartus Elaverimartus Elaverimartus pococki Eophrynidae Eophrynus scharfi Eurymartidae Eurymartus spinulosus Kreischeriidae Lissomartidae Namurotarbus Palaeocharinidae Palaeocteniza Palaeotarbus Permotarbus Termes buchi Trigonomartus woodruffi Trigonotarbidae Tynecotarbus

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