Trilobita - Phacopida - Phacopidae
Parent taxon: Phacopoidea according to J. M. Adrain 2011
See also Sandford 2004, Sepkoski 1998 and Whittington et al. 1997
Sister taxon: Pterygometopidae
Subtaxa: Acernaspis Acuticryphops Adastocephalum Afrops Altaesajania Ananaspis Babinops Boeckops Burtonops Denckmannites Dianops Dienstina Ductina Echinophacopinae Eldredgeops Enigmapyge Eophacops Illaenula Inexpectatops Kainops Liolophops Lochkovella Nephranomma Nyterops Paciphacops Phacopidella Phacopinae Phacops Plagiolaria Pulvinocephalus Rabienops Rhinophacops Rhinoreedops Sambremeusaspis Signatops Teichertops Trifoliops Trimerocephalus Zaplaops
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal carnivore
• Carboniferous of France (1 collection)
• Givetian of Germany (1), Morocco (2), Venezuela (1)
• Couvinien of Australia (1)
• Devonian of Algeria (10), Argentina (2), Australia (38), Austria (4), Belgium (15), Bolivia (5), Brazil (1), Canada (16: New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec), Chile (1), China (31), Colombia (31), the Czech Republic (53), France (41), Germany (124), Iran (8), Italy (2), Japan (1), Kyrgyzstan (1), Libya (1), Mongolia (3), Morocco (96), New Zealand (1), Poland (7), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (20), Turkey (3), the United Kingdom (16), United States (316: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, West Virginia), Venezuela (1), Vietnam (2), Western Sahara (4)
• Silurian to Devonian of Argentina (1), China (1), United States (1: Oklahoma)
• Silurian of Argentina (8), Australia (7), Austria (1), Canada (89: Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec), China (1), the Czech Republic (37), Estonia (4), Greenland (2), Italy (1), Japan (2), Latvia (2), Morocco (7), Norway (1), Paraguay (1), the Russian Federation (10), Sweden (2), Ukraine (8), the United Kingdom (37), United States (28: Arkansas, California, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, New York, Oklahoma, Virginia, Wisconsin)
• Dobrotivian of France (2), Portugal (1)
• Ordovician to Silurian of Canada (6: British Columbia, Québec), the Russian Federation (1)
• Ordovician of Belgium (1), Canada (3: Quebec, Québec), Italy (1), the United Kingdom (1), United States (5: Georgia, Tennessee, Wisconsin)
Total: 1133 collections including 1435 occurrences