†family Cucumariidae (sea cucumber)

Holothuroidea - Dendrochirotida - Cucumariidae

Parent taxon: Dendrochirotida according to A. Boczarowski 2001

See also Applegate et al. 2009, Frizzell and Exline 1966, Gilliland 1993, Pawson 1966 and Rowe and Gates 1995

Sister taxa: Andenothyone, Binoculites, Calclamnidae, Heterothyonidae, Phyllophoridae, Placothuriidae, Priscoligula, Priscopedatoides, Pseudostaurocumites, Psolidae, Schlumbergeritidae, Sclerodactylidae

Subtaxa: Cucumaria Devonothyoninae Palaeohemioedemiinae Paleopentacta Staurocaudininae

View classification

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder-detritivore


• Cretaceous of Mexico (1 collection)

• Jurassic of Poland (1)

• Givetian of Poland (1)

• Devonian of Germany (2), Poland (25)

• Ordovician of Sweden (1)

Total: 31 collections including 41 occurrences

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