Family Entoliidae Korobkov 1960 (scallop)

Bivalvia - Pectinida - Entoliidae

Parent taxon: Entolioidea according to J. G. Carter et al. 2011

See also Bieler and Mikkelsen 2006, Bouchet et al. 2010, Nevesskaja 2009, Newell 1965, Newell and Boyd 1995, Parker 1982, Ros-Franch et al. 2014, Scholz et al. 2008, Stilwell 1998 and Vokes 1980

Sister taxa: Entolioidesidae, Pernopectinidae, Propeamussiidae

Subtaxa: Bupecten Cingentolium Entoliinae Entolioides Entolium Palaeoentoliinae Pernopecten Scythentolium Somapecten Syncyclonematinae

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Ecology: facultatively mobile epifaunal suspension feeder


• Pliocene of Papua New Guinea (1 collection)

• Paleocene of Denmark (1), the Netherlands (1), United States (3: Texas)

• Motuan of New Zealand (1)

• Cretaceous of Antarctica (8), Argentina (38), Australia (4), Austria (1), Belgium (2), Brazil (1), Bulgaria (1), Canada (7: Alberta, Northwest Territories), China (4), Colombia (6), Cuba (1), the Czech Republic (1), Denmark (3), France (4), Germany (12), Greenland (8), India (4), Italy (1), Jamaica (2), Japan (12), Jordan (1), Kazakhstan (2), Libya (1), Madagascar (1), Mexico (2), Mozambique (11), the Netherlands (3), New Zealand (41), Poland (8), the Russian Federation (30), Serbia and Montenegro (1), South Africa (2), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (13), Sweden (1), Switzerland (1), Ukraine (1), the United Kingdom (33), United States (325: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)

• Heterian of New Zealand (1)

• Temaikan of New Zealand (3)

• Jurassic to Cretaceous of Antarctica (2), Canada (1: British Columbia)

• Jurassic of Antarctica (2), Argentina (62), Bulgaria (11), Canada (100: Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon), Chile (126), China (5), Denmark (1), Egypt (1), Eritrea (2), Ethiopia (1), France (39), Georgia (1), Germany (38), Greenland (121), Hungary (9), India (11), Iran (4), Italy (1), Japan (25), Kenya (11), Luxembourg (3), Mexico (5), New Zealand (12), Poland (1), Portugal (3), Romania (5), the Russian Federation (4), Saudi Arabia (23), Serbia and Montenegro (4), Slovakia (1), Somalia (1), Spain (96), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (6), Tanzania (14), Thailand (4), Tunisia (1), the United Kingdom (57), United States (12: Alaska, California, Nevada), Vietnam (1), Yemen (1)

• Triassic of Afghanistan (9), Austria (7), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), China (63), Egypt (1), France (3), Germany (7), Hungary (20), Indonesia (6), Iran (3), Italy (58), Japan (7), Jordan (2), Kazakhstan (6), Malaysia (1), Mexico (1), Pakistan (11), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (32), Singapore (1), Slovakia (4), Spain (6), Svalbard and Jan Mayen (1), United States (31: Alaska, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah), Vietnam (8)

• Permian to Triassic of China (1)

• Permian of China (57), Hungary (8), Italy (6), Japan (4), Malaysia (3), Pakistan (2), the Russian Federation (2), United States (28: Alaska, New Mexico, Texas)

• Carboniferous of Australia (2), China (4), Germany (2), Ireland (2), Spain (1), the United Kingdom (16), United States (27: Alaska, California, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Wyoming)

• Devonian of Germany (2)

Total: 1893 collections including 2116 occurrences

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