Animantarx ramaljonesi Carpenter et al. 1999 (ankylosaur)

Reptilia - Ornithischia - Nodosauridae

Full reference: K. Carpenter, J. I. Kirkland, D. Burge and J. Bird. 1999. Ankylosaurs (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, and their stratigraphic distribution. Vertebrate Paleontology in Utah, D. D. Gillette (ed.), Utah Geological Survey Miscellaneous Publication 99-1:243-251

Belongs to Animantarx according to M. K. Vickaryous et al. 2004

See also Carpenter 2001, Carpenter 2001, Carpenter et al. 1999, Carpenter et al. 2001, Ford 2000, Ford and Kirkland 2001, Garrison et al. 2007, Han et al. 2014, Kineer et al. 2016, Kirkland et al. 2013, Kirkland et al. 1999, Kirkland and Loewen 2011, Kirkland et al. 2016, Stanford et al. 2011 and Vickaryous et al. 2001

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: CEUM 6228R, a partial skeleton (partial skull, right mandible, cervical and dorsal vertebrae, ribs, scapula-coracoids, fragment of sternal plate, right humerus, left ilium with ischium, and le). Its type locality is Carol Jones Quarry (CEU), which is in an Aptian/Albian terrestrial mudstone/sandstone in the Cedar Mountain Formation of Utah.

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

Distribution: found only at Carol Jones Quarry (CEU)

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