Sinosura schneideri Kutscher 1987 (brittle star)

Ophiuroidea - Ophiurida - Aplocomidae

Full reference: M. Kutscher. 1987. Die Echinodermen der Callovien-Geschiebe. Der Geschiebesammler 2-3:53-104

Belongs to Sinosura according to M Kutscher and L Villier 2003

See also Kutscher 1987 and Kutscher 1996

Sister taxa: Sinosura brodiei, Sinosura extensa, Sinosura fasciata, Sinosura jasmundensis, Sinosura portei, Sinosura reicheli, Sinosura wolburgi

Type specimen: Its type locality is Echinoderms, Callovian, eratic blocks, NE Germany, which is in a Callovian open shallow subtidal limestone in Germany

Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal detritivore-suspension feeder


• Cretaceous of Germany (1 collection)

• Jurassic of France (1), Germany (4)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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