Actinopteri - Carangiformes - Carangidae
Parent taxon: Carangiformes according to R. Betancur et al. 2013
See also Bannikov 2014, Carnevale et al. 2014, Casier 1966, Danil'chenko 1960, Danil'chenko 1980, David 1943, Fierstine et al. 2012, Hay 1902, Jordan 1963, Nelson et al. 2016, Purdy et al. 2001, Schwarzhans 2003, Weems 1999 and Woodward 1902
Sister taxa: Coryphaenidae, Echeneidae, Nematistiidae, Rachycentridae
Subtaxa: Alectis Archaeus Argyreiosus Belgocaranx Carangidarum Caranx Ceratoichthys Decapterus Eastmanalepes Equula Lichia Oligoplites Paratrachinotus Platax Pseudocaranx Selene Seriola Teratichthys Trachicaranx Trachurus Vomeropsis
Ecology: nektonic omnivore
• Haweran of New Zealand (1 collection)
• Quaternary of Australia (1), Greece (7), Italy (3), Japan (1), the Marshall Islands (2), Turks and Caicos Islands (1), the United Kingdom (4), United States (4: California, Florida, Louisiana)
• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Italy (1)
• Pliocene of Cyprus (1), Greece (2), Italy (6), United States (2: Florida, North Carolina)
• Hemphillian of United States (1: Florida)
• Miocene of Algeria (4), Austria (1), the Czech Republic (3), France (4), Greece (1), India (1), Indonesia (1), Italy (7), Kazakhstan (1), Mexico (2), New Zealand (1), Panama (3), Spain (1), Ukraine (1), United States (6: California), Venezuela (1)
• Oligocene to Miocene of Georgia (1), the Russian Federation (1)
• Oligocene of Belgium (1), Germany (1), Poland (1), Romania (1), the Russian Federation (1)
• Eocene of Belgium (1), Italy (1), New Zealand (1), Turkmenistan (1), the United Kingdom (2), United States (6: California, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia)
• Paleocene of Denmark (2), Greenland (1)
Total: 97 collections including 124 occurrences