Mammalia - Artiodactyla - Hippopotamidae
Synonym: Hippopotamus leptorhynchus Grandidier and Filhol 1894
Full reference: A. Milne Edwards. 1868. Sur des decouvertes zoologiques faites recemment a Madagascar par M. Alfred Grandidier. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris 67:1156-1167
Belongs to Hippopotamus according to E. Weston and J.-R. Boisserie 2010
See also Coryndon 1977 and Stuenes 1989
Sister taxa: Hippopotamus (Tetraprotodon), Hippopotamus aethiopicus, Hippopotamus afarensis, Hippopotamus amphibius, Hippopotamus antiquus, Hippopotamus behemoth, Hippopotamus coryndonae, Hippopotamus creutzburgi, Hippopotamus gorgops, Hippopotamus kaisensis, Hippopotamus karumensis, Hippopotamus laloumena, Hippopotamus madagascariensis, Hippopotamus major, Hippopotamus meltensis, Hippopotamus minor, Hippopotamus protamphibius, Hippopotamus sirensis
Type specimens:
- Hippopotamus lemerlei: Lectotype MNHNIP 1414(1911-12), a skull (skull and mandible). Its type locality is Ambolisatra, which is in a Holocene terrestrial horizon in Madagascar.
- Hippopotamus leptorhynchus:
Ecology: amphibious grazer-browser
• Quaternary of Madagascar (4 collections)
Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence
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