Desmanodon minor Engesser 1980 (mole)

Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Talpidae

Full reference: B. Engesser. 1980. Insectivora und Chiroptera (Mammalia) aus dem Neogen der Türkei. Schweizerischen Paläontologischen Abhandlungen 102:46-149

Belongs to Desmanodon according to J. Prieto 2010

See also Engesser 1980

Sister taxa: Desmanodon antiquus, Desmanodon burkarti, Desmanodon crocheti, Desmanodon daamsi, Desmanodon major, Desmanodon ziegleri

Type specimen: NMB Sar-2, a mandible (dext. with p3-m3). Its type locality is Saricay, which is in a MN 7 + 8 terrestrial horizon in Turkey.

Ecology: fossorial insectivore


• Miocene of Greece (1 collection), Turkey (3)

Total: 4 collections each including a single occurrence

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