Mammalia - Soricomorpha - Talpidae
Full reference: B. Engesser. 1980. Insectivora und Chiroptera (Mammalia) aus dem Neogen der Türkei. Schweizerischen Paläontologischen Abhandlungen 102:46-149
Parent taxon: Talpidae according to L.W. van den Hoek Ostende 1997
See also Cailleux et al. 2024, Engesser 1980 and Prieto 2010
Sister taxa: Anomodon, Asthenoscapter, Chrysochlorina, Desmana, Desmaninae, Domninoides, Entomodon, Eotalpa, Galeospalax, Geolabis, Hugueneya, Hyporyssus, Mioscalops, Mogera, Mongolopala, Neurotrichus, Oreotalpa, Parascalops, Parascaptor, Proscalopinae, Quadrodens, Scalopinae, Scaptochirus, Scaptogale, Soricina, Suleimaninae, Talpa, Talpina, Talpinae, Tegulariscaptor, Tenrecina, Tupaina, Uropsilinae
Subtaxa: Desmanodon antiquus Desmanodon burkarti Desmanodon crocheti Desmanodon daamsi Desmanodon fluegeli Desmanodon major Desmanodon minor Desmanodon ziegleri
Ecology: fossorial insectivore
• Miocene of France (1 collection), Germany (4), Greece (4), Hungary (1), the Russian Federation (1), Spain (3), Turkey (15)
• Oligocene of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1)
Total: 30 collections including 33 occurrences
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