†family Hudsonasteridae Schuchert 1914 (sea star)

Asteroidea - Hadrosida - Hudsonasteridae

Synonym: Protopalaeasteridae Kesling 1962

Full reference: C. Schuchert. 1914. Fossilium Catalogus. 1: Animalia, pars 3, Stelleroidea palaeozoica. W. Junk, Berlin 1-53

Parent taxon: Hadrosida according to D. B. Blake and J. Sprinkle 2021

See also Blake 1989, Blake 2018, Dean Shackleton 2005, Herringshaw et al. 2007, Kesling 1962, Owen 1965, Schuchert 1915, Spencer 1916, Spencer and Wright 1966, Webster et al. 1999 and Withers and Keble 1934

Sister taxa: Aulacolatiaster, Fandasteridae, Miomaster, Palaeasteridae, Pleiadeaster, Promopalaeasteridae, Spaniaster, Urasterellidae, Xenasteridae

Subtaxa: Arceoaster Coccasterinae Doliaster Girvanaster Hudsonaster Hudsonasterinae Silurasterinae

View classification

Type: Hudsonaster

Ecology: slow-moving low-level epifaunal detritivore


• Devonian of United States (1: Colorado collection)

• Silurian of the United Kingdom (1), United States (1: Oklahoma)

• Ordovician of Canada (2: Quebec), the United Kingdom (1), United States (19: Illinois, Iowa, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee)

Total: 25 collections including 27 occurrences

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