Reptilia - Theropoda - Megapodiidae
Alternative spelling: Megapodidae
Parent taxon: Galliformes according to J. F. Clements et al. 2017
See also Carroll 1988, De Vis 1892, del Hoyo et al. 2014, Lambrecht 1933, Livezey and Zusi 2007, Mayr 2022, Mayr and Weidig 2004, Shute et al. 2017, Worthy et al. 2017 and Worthy and Nguyen 2020
Sister taxa: Amitabha, Archaealectrornis, Argillipes, Bumbanipodius, Bumbanortyx, Craci, Cracidae, Galli, Gallinuloididae, Galloidae, Gigantibis, Namaortyx, Numididae, Odontiphorinidae, Odontophoridae, Paraortygidae, Paraortyx, Phasanidae, Phasiani, Phasianidae, Procrax, Quercymegapodiidae, Scopelortyx, Sobniogallus, Sylviornithes, Taoperdix, Waltonortygidae
Subtaxa: Aepypodius Alectura Eulipoa Garrdimalga Latagallina Leipoa Macrocephalon Megapodius Mwalau Ngawupodius Progura Talegalla
Ecology: volant herbivore
• Quaternary of American Samoa (1 collection), Australia (14), Fiji (8), Guam (1), Indonesia (1), New Caledonia (4), Niue (1), Northern Mariana Islands (7), Palau (1), Papua New Guinea (2), Solomon Islands (3), Tonga (11), Vanuatu (1)
• Pliocene of Australia (2)
• Oligocene of Australia (1)
Total: 58 collections including 83 occurrences