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Odonata (dragonfly)

Insecta - Odonata

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1793Odonata Fabricius p. 373
1798Odonata Fabricius p. 283
1845Libellula hopei Brodie p. 71,102 figs. Pl 10, fig 3
1850Petalura hopei Selys-Longchamps p. 359
1850Libellula decapitata Selys-Longchamps p. 364
1862Euphaea areolata Hagen p. 106
1862Euphaea filosa Hagen p. 106
1890Libellula decapitata Kirby p. 166
1890Heterophlebia hopei Kirby p. 169
1890Euphaea areolata Kirby p. 174
1890Euphaea filosa Kirby p. 174
1897Hageniella Meunier p. 228
1897Hageniella problematica Meunier p. 228
1905Proaeschna Fritsch p. 3
1906Pseudoeuphaea areolata Handlirsch
1906Anisozygopteron hopei Handlirsch p. 470
1906Pseudoeuphaea Handlirsch p. 596
1906Pseudoeuphaea falsificata Handlirsch p. 597
1906Pseudoeuphaea filosa Handlirsch p. 597
1906Pseudoeuphaea obscura Handlirsch p. 597
1925Liassophlebia clavigaster Tillyard
1925Liassophlebia hopei Tillyard p. 19
1932Odonata Martynov
1937Odonata Martynov p. 16
1953Odonata Bode
1989Odonata Zhang p. 414
1992Odonata Carpenter p. 62
1992Pseudoeuphaea Carpenter p. 88
2001Odonata Bechly et al.
2005Odonata Bechly p. 2
2006Odonata Vega et al. p. 327
2007Odonata Bechly

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumArthropodaLatreille 1829
superclassHexapodaLatreille 1825
infraclassHydropalaeopteraRohdendorf 1969
OdonatopteraMartynov 1932
OdonatocladaBechly 1999

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

Or. Odonata Fabricius 1793 [dragonfly]
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Subor. Anisozygoptera Handlirsch 1906
G. †Anomothemis Handlirsch 1906
Anomothemis brevistigma Handlirsch 1906
Superfm. Epiophlebioidea Tillyard 1917
Fm. †Burmaphlebiidae Bechly and Poinar 2013
G. †Bilebullephlebia Jouault and Nel 2023
Bilebullephlebia legendrei Jouault and Nel 2023
G. †Burmaphlebia Bechly and Poinar 2013
Burmaphlebia reifi Bechly and Poinar 2013
G. †Pouillonphlebia Ngô-Muller et al. 2020
Pouillonphlebia burmitica Ngô-Muller et al. 2020
G. †Liadothemis Handlirsch 1906
Liadothemis geinitzi Handlirsch 1939
Liadothemis hydrodictyon Handlirsch 1906
Liadothemis insignis Zessin 1982
Liadothemis major Handlirsch 1939
G. †Magnasupplephlebia Zessin 1982
Magnasupplephlebia intercalaria Zessin and Ansorge 1987
G. †Parelthothemis Handlirsch 1906
Parelthothemis dobbertinensis Handlirsch 1906
G. †Petrothemis Handlirsch 1906
Petrothemis singularis Handlirsch 1906
G. †Pycnothemis Handlirsch 1939
Pycnothemis densa Handlirsch 1939
Invalid names: Pycnothemis Cowley 1942 [objective synonym]
G. †Rhabdothemis Handlirsch 1939
Rhabdothemis strigivena Handlirsch 1939
Invalid names: Rhabdothemis Cowley 1942 [objective synonym]
G. †Temnostigma Handlirsch 1939
Temnostigma singulare Handlirsch 1939
Invalid names: Temnostigma Cowley 1942 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Oreopteroidea Pritykina 1968 [empty], Tarsophlebioidea Handlirsch 1908 [empty]
Unr. Epiproctophora Bechly 1996
Unr. Euepiproctophora Bechly 1998
Unr. Anisopteromorpha Bechly 1996
Fm. †Erichschmidtiidae Bechly 1996
G. †Erichschmidtia Pritykina 1968
Unr. †Heterophlebioptera Bechly 1996
Superfm. †Heterophlebioidea Handlirsch 1906
Unr. Trigonoptera Bechly 1996
Unr. Pananisoptera Bechly 1996
Unr. †Stenophlebioptera Bechly 1996
Fm. Epiophlebiidae Tillyard 1917
G. Epiophlebia Calvert 1903
Fm. †Frenguelliidae Petrulevičius and Nel 2003
G. †Frenguellia Petrulevičius and Nel 2003
Frenguellia iglesiasi Petrulevičius and Nel 2013
Frenguellia patagonica Petrulevičius and Nel 2003
G. †Nelala Petrulevičius 2019
Nelala chori Petrulevičius 2019
Unr. †Isophlebioptera Bechly 1996
Fm. †Eosagrionidae Handlirsch 1920
G. †Eosagrion Handlirsch 1920
Eosagrion risi Handlirsch 1920
Fm. †Euthemistidae Pritykina 1968
G. †Euthemis Pritykina 1968
Euthemis cellulata Pritykina 1968
Euthemis multivenosa Pritykina 1968
G. †Kidaneuthemis Liu et al. 2024
Kidaneuthemis ningchengensis Liu et al. 2024
G. †Sinoeuthemis Li et al. 2013
Sinoeuthemis daohugouensis Li et al. 2013
Unr. †Isophlebiida Bechly 1996
Superfm. †Isophlebioidea Nel et al. 1993
Fm. †Campterophlebiidae Handlirsch 1920
Invalid names: Karatawiidae Martynov 1925 [synonym]
Fm. †Isophlebiidae Handlirsch 1906
G. †Kazachophlebia Pritykina 1968
Fm. †Selenothemistidae Handlirsch 1939
Invalid names: Turanothemistidae Pritykina 1968 [synonym]
Fm. †Liadotypidae Grauvogel and Laurentiaux 1952
G. †Liadotypus Martynov 1937
Fm. †Paragonophlebiidae Nel 2009
G. †Paragonophlebia Nel 2009
Invalid names: Mongolothemis gobicus Pritykina and Vassilenko 2014 [objective synonym]
Invalid names: Mongolothemis Pritykina and Vassilenko 2014 [synonym]
Unr. †Parazygoptera Bechly 1997
Unr. †Euparazygoptera Bechly 1997
Fm. †Asiopteridae Pritykina 1968
Invalid names: Oreopteridae Pritykina 1968 [synonym]
Fm. †Enigmalestidae Nel and Huang 2021
Superfm. †Triassolestoidea Tillyard 1918
Invalid names: Progonophlebioidea Bechly 1996 [synonym]
Fm. †Sphenophlebiidae Bechly 1997
G. †Ensphingophlebia Bode 1953
G. †Euphaeopsis Handlirsch 1906
G. †Mesoepiophlebia Nel and Henrotay 1993
G. †Proeuthemis Nel and Jarzembowski 1996
G. †Sphenophlebia Bode 1953
G. †Parazygoptera Bechly 1997
Fm. †Pseudostenolestidae Garrouste and Nel 2015
G. †Pseudostenolestes Garrouste and Nel 2015
Pseudostenolestes bechlyi Garrouste and Nel 2015
Fm. †Triassolestidae Tillyard 1918
G. †Sogdopterites Nel et al. 2002
Sogdopterites legibile Pritykina 1980
G. †Triassolestes Tillyard 1918
Subfm. †Triassolestinae Tillyard 1918
Tr. †Triassothemistini Fujiyama 1991
Invalid names: Triassolestini Tillyard 1918 [empty]
G. †Triassolestodes Pritykina 1981
Triassolestodes asiaticus Pritykina 1981
G. †Triassoneura Riek 1976
G. †Triassothemis Carpenter 1960
Triassothemis gartzii Barth et al. 2013
Triassothemis mendozensis Carpenter 1960
Invalid names: Italophlebiidae Whalley 1986 [synonym], Progonophlebiidae Tillyard 1925 [synonym], Triassoneuridae Riek 1976 [synonym]
Fm. †Haidilaozhenidae Yang et al. 2023
G. †Haidilaozhen Yang et al. 2023
Haidilaozhen cuiae Yang et al. 2023
Fm. Idionychidae Tillyard and Fraser 1940
G. †Mioidionyx Nel et al. 2005
Mioidionyx stavropolensis Nel et al. 2005
G. †Kobdoneura Pritykina 1985
Kobdoneura manca Pritykina 1985
Subor. †Libellulina Laicharting 1781
Invalid names: Heterophlebiomorpha Handlirsch 1906 [empty]
Fm. †Mesomantidiidae Tillyard 1923
G. †Mesomantidion Tillyard 1916
G. †Mesonetopsis Ping 1935
Mesonetopsis zeni Ping 1935
G. †Orthaeschnites Haupt 1956
Orthaeschnites primus Haupt 1956
G. †Oryctothemis Handlirsch 1906
Oryctothemis hageni Handlirsch 1906
G. †Palaeophlebia Brauer et al. 1889
Palaeophlebia synlestoides Brauer et al. 1889
G. †Peraphlebia Jell and Duncan 1986
Peraphlebia tetrastichia Jell and Duncan 1986
G. †Sogdothemis Martynov 1937
Sogdothemis modesta Martynov 1937
G. †Syrrhoe Bode 1953
Syrrhoe commissa Bode 1953
G. †Triassophlebia Tillyard 1922
Triassophlebia stigmatica Tillyard 1922
Subor. Zygoptera Selys-Longchamps 1854 [damselfly]
G. †Andrephlebia Bechly 2019
Andrephlebia buergeri Bechly 2019
Fm. †Burmadysagrionidae Zheng et al. 2016
G. †Burmadysagrion Zheng et al. 2016
Burmadysagrion zhangi Zheng et al. 2016
G. †Electrodysagrion Zheng et al. 2017
Electrodysagrion lini Zheng et al. 2017
Electrodysagrion neli Zheng et al. 2019
G. †Palaeodysagrion Zheng et al. 2017
Palaeodysagrion cretacicus Zheng et al. 2017
G. †Pseudopalaeodysagrion Bechly and Velten 2023
Pseudopalaeodysagrion youlini Zheng et al. 2017
Unr. Caloptera Belyshev and Haritonov 1983
Unr. Eucaloptera Bechly 1996
Unr. Amphipterygida Bechly 1996
Superfm. †Amphipterygoidea Tillyard 1917
Unr. Calopterygomorpha Bechly 1996
Unr. Calopterygiformia Bechly 1996
Superfm. Calopterygoidea Selys-Longchamps 1850
Invalid names: Chlorocyphoidea Cowley 1937 [synonym]
G. †Dinosamarura Pritykina 1985
Dinosamarura tugnuica Pritykina 1985
G. †Eopodagrion Cockerell 1921
Eopodagrion scudderi Cockerell 1921
Unr. Euzygoptera Bechly 1996
Fm. †Argiolestidae Fraser 1957
Subfm. Argiolestinae Fraser 1960
G. †Librelula Petrulevičius 2020
G. †Lithagrion Scudder 1890
G. †Melanagrion Cockerell 1907
G. †Miopodagrion Kennedy 1925
Unr. Coenagriomorpha Bechly 1996
Fm. Megapodagrionidae Tillyard 1917 [flatwing]
G. †Cretapodagrion Huang et al. 2017
G. †Eckfeldia Petrulevičius et al. 2008
G. †Electropodagrion Azar and Nel 2008
G. †Hanklitia Zessin 2011
G. Megapodagrion Selys-Longchamps 1885
Invalid names: Podagrion Selys-Longchamps 1862 [replaced]
G. †Oligoargiolestes Kennedy 1925
G. †Phyonganpodagrion So and Won 2021
G. †Viridiflumineagrion Nel 2022
G. †Vulcagrion Nel and Paicheler 1994
Invalid names: Megapodagrioniidae Tillyard 1917 [empty]
Unr. Coenagrionomorpha Bechly 1996
Unr. Coenagrioniformia Bechly 1996
Unr. Coenagrionida Bechly 1996
G. †Cretarchistigma Jarzembowski et al. 1998
Cretarchistigma essweini Bechly 1998
Cretarchistigma greenwoodi Jarzembowski et al. 1998
Unr. Lestomorpha Bechly 1996
Fm. Hemiphlebiidae Tillyard 1926 [greenling]
G. †Burmahemiphlebia Zheng et al. 2017
G. †Electrohemiphlebia Lak et al. 2009
G. †Enteropia Pritykina and Vassilenko 2014
G. †Jordanhemiphlebia Kaddumi 2009
G. †Jurahemiphlebia Bechly 2019
G. †Kachinhemiphlebia Zheng 2020
G. †Mersituria Vasilenko 2005
G. †Pantelusa Vassilenko 2014
G. †Parahemiphlebia Jarzembowski et al. 1998
G. †Thairia Felker and Vasilenko 2018
Unr. Lestiformia Bechly 1996
Fm. †Cretacoenagrionidae Bechly 1995
Unr. Eulestiformia Bechly 1996
G. †Libanolestes Azar et al. 2010
Libanolestes flecki Azar et al. 2010
G. †Furagrion Petrulevičius et al. 2008
Furagrion ansorgei Zessin 2011
Furagrion jutlandicus Henriksen 1922
Invalid names: Furagrion morsi Zessin 2011 [synonym]
Invalid names: Morsagrion Zessin 2011 [synonym]
G. †Gasophlebia Lin 1982
Superfm. Hemiphlebioidea Tillyard and Fraser 1938
G. †Cretahemiphlebia Jarzembowski et al. 1998
Cretahemiphlebia rossi Jarzembowski et al. 1998
G. †Italolestes Nel et al. 2005
Italolestes stroppai Nel et al. 2005
Fm. †Mesomegaloprepidae Huang et al. 2017
G. †Cretamegaloprepus Zheng et al. 2018
Cretamegaloprepus zhouae Zheng et al. 2018
G. †Mesomegaloprepus Huang et al. 2017
Mesomegaloprepus magnificus Huang et al. 2017
Superfm. Platystictoidea Kennedy 1920
Fm. Platystictidae Kennedy 1920 [shadowdamsel]
Subfm. †Mesostictinae Zheng et al. 2017
G. †Mesosticta Huang et al. 2015
G. †Pulchrairina Martynov et al. 2022
Pulchrairina electra Martynov et al. 2022
G. †Samarura Brauer et al. 1889
Samarura gigantea Brauer et al. 1889
Invalid names: Samarura angusta Brauer et al. 1889 [synonym], Samarura minor Brauer et al. 1889 [synonym], Samarura pulla Brauer et al. 1889 [synonym], Samarura rotundata Brauer et al. 1889 [synonym]
G. †Santanagrion Bechly 2010
Santanagrion longipes Bechly 2010
Fm. †Steleopteridae Handlirsch 1906
G. †Auliella Pritykina 1968
Auliella crucigera Pritykina 1968
G. †Euparasteleopteron Fleck et al. 2001
Euparasteleopteron viohli Fleck et al. 2001
G. †Parasteleopteron Fleck et al. 2001
Parasteleopteron guischardi Fleck et al. 2001
G. †Steleopteron Handlirsch 1906
Steleopteron cretacicus Zheng et al. 2018
Steleopteron deichmuelleri Handlirsch 1906
G. †Steropoides Kirby 1890
Invalid names: Sterope Heer 1849 [replaced]
G. †Valerea Garrouste et al. 2016
Valerea multicellulata Garrouste et al. 2016
Invalid names: Agrion exhaustum Hagen 1862 [nomen dubium], Agrion hecticum Hagen 1862 [nomen dubium], Agrion mysis Hagen 1863 [nomen dubium], Agrion thais Hagen 1863 [nomen dubium], Cephalozygoptera Archibald et al. 2021 [synonym], Gomphus resinatus Hagen 1848 [nomen nudum], Megalestes anglicus Cockerell 1915 [nomen dubium], Podagrion abortivum Scudder 1878 [nomen dubium]
Invalid names: Hageniella Meunier 1897 [nomen dubium], Hageniella problematica Meunier 1897 [nomen dubium], Liassophlebia clavigaster Tillyard 1925 [nomen dubium], Liassophlebia hopei Brodie 1845 [nomen dubium], Libellula decapitata Selys-Longchamps 1850 [nomen dubium], Proaeschna Fritsch 1905 [nomen nudum], Pseudoeuphaea Handlirsch 1906 [nomen dubium], Pseudoeuphaea areolata Hagen 1862 [nomen dubium], Pseudoeuphaea falsificata Handlirsch 1906 [nomen dubium], Pseudoeuphaea filosa Hagen 1862 [nomen dubium], Pseudoeuphaea obscura Handlirsch 1906 [nomen dubium]
No diagnoses are available