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Otomorpha is an unranked clade. It is extant.

It was assigned to Clupeocephala by Betancur et al. (2013).

Sister taxa
Alepocephali, Clupei, Ostariophysi

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1999Otocephala Cavin
2011Ostarioclupeomorpha Long p. 242
2013Otomorpha Betancur et al.
2016Otocephala Nelson et al. p. 161
2019Otocephala Ebersole et al. p. 164

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassNeopterygii(Regan 1923)
Teleostei(Müller 1846)
Teleocephalade Pinna 1996
ClupeocephalaPatterson and Rosen 1977

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

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G. Alepocephalus Goode and Bean 1879
G. †Palaeotroctes Danil'chenko 1960
Palaeotroctes strictus Danil'chenko 1960
G. Xenodermichthys Günther 1878
Xenodermichthys catulus Schubert 1908
Xenodermichthys senesi Nolf and Brzobohaty 1994
G. †Vachalia Přikryl and Carnevale 2020
Vachalia moraviensis Přikryl and Carnevale 2020
Invalid names: Bathylaconidae Parr 1948 [empty]
Unr. Clupei
Or. Clupeiformes Bleeker 1859
G. †Austroclupea Bardack 1961
Fm. Clupeoidei Bleeker 1859 [herring]
Fm. Alosidae Svetovidov 1952
G. †Sanalosa Bienkowska-Wasiluk et al. 2024
Fm. Chirocentridae Cuvier and Valenciennes 1846
G. Chirocentrus Cuvier 1817
G. †Platinx Agassiz 1835
G. †Spathodactylus Pictet 1853
Fm. †Clupavidae
G. †Lusitanichthys Gavet 1980
Fm. Clupeidae Cuvier 1817 [herring]
G. †Alisea Jordan and Gilbert 1919
G. Alosa Linck 1790
G. Anchoa Jordan and Evermann 1927
G. †Audenaerdia Taverne 1973
G. †Bolcaichthys Marramá and Carnevale 2015
G. Brevoortia Gill 1861
G. †Chasmoclupea Murray et al. 2005
G. Clupea Linnaeus 1758
G. †Clupeidarum Cuvier 1817
Subfm. Clupeinae Cuvier 1817 [herring]
G. Dussumieria Valenciennes 1847
G. †Eoalosa Marrama` and Carnevale 2018 [sunrise or dawn shad]
G. †Etringus Jordan 1907
G. †Ganoessus
Invalid names: Lembicus Jordan 1925 [synonym]
G. †Ganolytes Jordan 1919
Invalid names: Diradias Jordan 1924 [synonym]
G. †Hypsospondylus Gorjanović-Kramberger 1885
G. †Nolfia Taverje 1976
G. Opisthonema Gill 1862
G. †Pellonula Günther 1868
G. Pomolobus Rafinesque 1820
G. †Quisque Jordan 1920
G. Sardina Antipa 1905
G. Sardinops Hubbs 1929
G. Sarmatella Menner 1949
G. Spratelloides Bleeker 1851
G. Trollichthys Marramà and Carnevale
G. †Waihaoclupea Schwarzhans 2019
G. †Wisslerius David 1946
G. †Xenophanis Sauvage 1873
G. †Xyne Jordan and Gilbert 1919
G. †Xyrinius Jordan and Gilbert 1919
Invalid names: Dorosomatinae [empty], Ehiravinae [empty], Epelichthys Jordan 1925 [invalid subgroup], Xenothrissa Jordan 1925 [invalid subgroup]
Superfm. Clupeoidea Cuvier 1817
Fm. †Halecopsidae Casier 1946
G. †Pseudoetringus David 1946
G. †Azalois Jordan and Gilbert 1919
G. Etrumeus Bleeker 1853
G. †Lygisma Jordan and Gilbert 1919
G. †Sahelinia Arambourg 1927
G. †Smithites Jordan and Gilbert 1919
G. †Sternbergia Jordan 1925
G. †Engraulites Jordan and Gilbert 1925
G. Stolephorus Lacépède 1803
Invalid names: Coilinae [empty], Engraulinae [empty]
Superfm. Engrauloidea Grande 1985
G. †Clupeopsis Casier 1946
G. †Monosmilus Capobianco et al. 2020
G. Ilisha Richardson 1845
Invalid names: Pelloninae [empty]
Invalid names: Ancylostylidae [empty], Cromeriidae [empty], Dorosomidae [empty], Erythrinolepidae [empty], Macristiidae [empty], Notogoneidae [empty]
G. †Daitingichthys Arratia 1987
G. †Paleodenticeps Greenwoos
Invalid names: Denticipitidae [empty]
G. †Hacquetia Szajnocha 1886
G. †Pseudoellimma De Figueiredo 2009
Pseudoellimma gallae De Figueiredo 2009
Invalid names: Chirocentroidea Applegate 1970 [empty]
Unr. Ostariophysi Jordan and Evermann 1896
Invalid names: Atelaxia [empty], Histichthyes [empty], Taeniosomi [empty]
Unr. Anotophysa Rosen and Greenwood 1970
G. †Eucoelogaster White and Moy-Thomas 1940
Invalid names: Coelogaster Agassiz 1835 [replaced]
G. †Aethalionopsis Gaudant 1967
G. †Caeus Costa 1853
Caeus leopoldi Costa 1860
Subor. Chanoidei
G. †Chanopsis Casier 1961
G. †Dastilbe Jordan 1910
Dastilbe crandalli Jordan 1910
Dastilbe elongatus Silva-Santos 1947
Fm. Gonorhynchidae Gunther 1868
Invalid names: Charitosomidae Gayet 1993 [synonym]
Invalid names: Judeichthyidae Gayet 1985 [empty]
Subor. Knerioidei
G. †Neohalecopsis Weiler 1928
G. †Salminops Gayet 1985
G. †Tharrhias Jordan and Branner 1908
G. †Gordichthys Poyato-Ariza 1994
Gordichthys conquensis Poyato-Ariza 1994
Invalid names: Chanos forcipatus Heckel 1854 [invalid subgroup]
G. †Chanoides Woodward 1901
Chanoides macropoma Agassiz 1835
Invalid names: Characodontidae [empty], Fitzroyiidae [empty], Gooeidae [empty]
Invalid names: Apidosiidae [empty], Homalopteridae [empty], Medidae [empty]
Invalid names: Electrophoridae [empty]
Invalid names: Luciidae [empty]
G. †Eobrycon Jordan 1907
Eobrycon avus Woodward 1898
Eobrycon branneri Eigenmann 1929
Invalid names: Xiphiostomidae [empty]
Or. Heterosomata Cope 1871
G. †Hippoglossus Jordan 1924
Invalid names: Synapturidae [empty]
Or. Nematognathii Gill 1861
Invalid names: Ameiuridae [empty], Argidae [empty], Bunocephalidae [empty], Hypophthalmidae [empty], Lepidoglanidae [empty], Pygidiidae [empty]
Superor. Characiphysae
Or. Characiformes Regan 1911
Subor. Citharinoidei Buckup 1998
G. Miletes Heckel 1849
G. Rhodsia Fowler 1911
G. †Santanichthys Silva Santos 1991
Or. Siluriformes [catfish]
Fm. †Andinichthyidae Gayet 1988
Fm. †Bachmanniidae Azpelicueta and Cione 2011
Fm. Callitrichtyidae Lundberg 1997
G. †Eopeyeria Whitley 1947
G. Selenaspis Bleeker 1858
Subor. Siluroidei Frizzell and Dante 1965
Invalid names: Cetopsoidei [empty], Doradidae [empty]
Superor. Cyprinae
Or. Cypriniformes Bleeker 1859 [carp-like fish]
Superfm. Cobitoidea Swainson 1838
Fm. Cyprinidae Rafinesque 1815
Superfm. Cyprinoidea
Invalid names: Botiidae [empty], Gyrinocheilidae [empty], Nemacheilidae [empty], Siluri Stirton 1953 [empty]
Invalid names: Chanoididae [empty], Characiphysi Fink and Fink 1981 [empty], Cypriniphysi [empty], Siluriphysi Grande and De Pinna 1998 [empty]
Invalid names: Semiophoridae [empty]
Invalid names: Rogeniidae [empty], Xenesthidae [empty]
Invalid names: Asineopidae [empty]
Or. Xenomi
Invalid names: Dalliidae [empty]
Invalid names: Salmopercae [empty], Siluroidea [empty]
Invalid names: Ostarioclupeomorpha [synonym], Otocephala [synonym]
No diagnoses are available