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Reptilia - Procolophonidae

Synonymy list
YearName and author
1876Procolophon Owen
1913Procolophon Broom p. 362
1939Procolophon Huene p. 508
1946Procolophon Colbert p. 258
1966Procolophon Kuhn p. 17
1975Procolophon Colbert and Kitching p. 3
1983Procolophon Lavina p. 53
1985Procolophon Carroll and Lindsay p. 1571
1988Procolophon Carroll
2002Procolophon Cisneros and Schultz p. 642
2002Procolophon Modesto et al. p. 891 fig. 4
2007Procolophon Modesto and Damiani p. 347 fig. 8
2008Procolophon Cisneros p. 14
2008Procolophon Säilä p. 1202 fig. 4

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EubilateriaAx 1987
phylumChordataHaeckel 1874
subclassDipnotetrapodomorpha(Nelson 2006)
subclassAmphibiosauriaKuhn 1967
subclassParareptiliaLawrence 1868
genusProcolophonOwen 1876

If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.

G. †Procolophon Owen 1876
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Invalid names: Procolophon baini Broom 1905 [synonym], Procolophon brasiliensis Cisneros and Schultz 2002 [synonym], Procolophon cuneiceps Seeley 1878 [synonym], Procolophon griersoni Seeley 1878 [synonym], Procolophon laticeps Seeley 1878 [synonym], Procolophon minor Owen 1876 [synonym], Procolophon platyrhinus Seeley 1905 [synonym], Procolophon pricei Lavina 1983 [synonym], Procolophon sphenorhinus Seeley 1905 [synonym]
E. H. Colbert and J. W. Kitching 1975Small, advanced cotylosaurs, with deep skull, triangular in shape. Orbits very large and elongated, and pineal opening large; nares almost terminal. Quadrate forward of occiput, with articulation well below level of teeth. Otic notch large; tabular and quadratojugal expanded and spikelike. Palate restricted and with elongate choanae. Lower jaw deep, with strong coronoid and elongated retroarticular process. Four premaxillary teeth and seven maxillary teeth, of which five or six are transversely broad and chisel-shaped. Nine dentary teeth, the last six chisel-like. Postcranial skeleton compact. Neural arches of vertebrae expanded, in cotylosaurian fashion. Ribs essentially single-headed. Girdles strong and limbs comparatively short. Feet broad, with full complements of carpal and tarsal elements. Tail short.
J. C. Cisneros and C. L. Schultz 2002(repeated from Colbert & Kitching, 1975)
J. C. Cisneros 2008Robust procolophonid with adults possessing six to eight large bicuspidate molariform teeth with mesiodistally-compressed, chisel-like crowns. In Eumetabolodon from China, and Thelerpeton and Teratophon from South Africa, adults may posses a similar number of molariform teeth, roughly comparable in morphology to those of Procolophon. In these taxa, however, molariform teeth are less compressed and more bulbous than in Procolophon […]. In addition, the maxillary tooth row of Procolophon does not increase distally in labio-lingual breadth as in Teratophon and Thelerpeton. Procolophon can also be distinguished from all procolophonids except Thelerpeton by the presence of a single, prominent, posterolaterally directed quadratojugal spine, that does not exceed the orbitotemporal maximum width. Other procolophonids (e.g. Eumetabolodon, Timanophon) possess a single but much smaller, posterolaterally directed quadratojugal spine. Conversely, Teratophon possesses a single spine that greatly exceeds the maximum orbitotemporal width.