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Martinogale was named by Hall (1930). Its type is Martinogale alveodens.
It was assigned to Mustelidae by Hall (1930) and Carroll (1988); to Mephitini by Baskin (1998) and Wang et al. (2005); and to Mephitidae by Wang and Carranza-Castaneda (2008).
It was assigned to Mustelidae by Hall (1930) and Carroll (1988); to Mephitini by Baskin (1998) and Wang et al. (2005); and to Mephitidae by Wang and Carranza-Castaneda (2008).
Synonymy list
Year | Name and author |
1930 | Martinogale Hall p. 147 figs. Pl. 7, figs. e, h, i and l |
1988 | Martinogale Carroll |
1998 | Martinogale Baskin p. 159 |
2005 | Martinogale Wang et al. p. 937 |
2008 | Martinogale Wang and Carranza-Castaneda |
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If no rank is listed, the taxon is considered an unranked clade in modern classifications. Ranks may be repeated or presented in the wrong order because authors working on different parts of the classification may disagree about how to rank taxa.
G. †Martinogale Hall 1930
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†Martinogale alveodens Hall 1930
†Martinogale chisoensis Stevens and Stevens 2003
†Martinogale faulli Wang et al. 2005
†Martinogale nambiana Cope 1874
Reference | Diagnosis | |
E. R. Hall 1930 | dental formula i3/3, c1/1, p3/3, m1/2. M1 with distinct metaconid directly medial to protoconid; talonid basined, incipiently trenchant, relatively long (see pl.7, figs. e, i, 1), without distinct entoconid and hypoconid; lateral crest of talonid continuous with posterior crest of protoconid; premolars without accessory cusps; mental foramen below anterior half of posterior root of P4. | |
X. Wang et al. 2005 | As the most basal New World mephi- tine, Martinogale is distinguished from Buisnictis in its small size, its lack of a conical m1 entoconid and lack of a notch between the entoconid and metaconid, its relatively narrow p4, and its low M1 internal cingulum. Martinogale differs from the crown clade of New World mephitines (Spilogale, Mephitis, Conepatus, Brachyprotoma, Osmotherium) in its primitively small P4 proto- cone that is not broadened into a crest, its narrow postorbital constriction, its relatively unexpanded mastoid sinus, and its small paroccipital process that is not detached from the bulla. |